2013 Edition

All Is Well (Por Aqui Tudo Bem)

All Is Well (Por Aqui Tudo Bem)

Section: Long Films

Country: Angola, Portugal

Production Year: 2012

Runtime: 94 Minutes

Director: Pocas Pascoal

Screenwriters: Pocas Pascoal, Marc Pernet

Cinematographer: Octavio Espírito Santo  

Editor: Pascale Chavance

Music Composers: Lulendo Mvulu

Cast: Ciomara Morais, Cheila Lima, Willion Brandao, Vera Cruz

Synopsis: In the late summer of 1980, sixteen years old Alda and her seventeen years old sister Maria arrive in Lisbon to escape the civil war in Angola. Left to themselves, they must learn to survive in a foreign city. While the two young women try to build a new life, they face unbearable problems with dreadful news fall upon them. Paradoxically, it’s those terrifying news that gives them the strength to decide their own fates.